Lady Sports Fans About Us

About Us

Learn More About Lady Sports Fans

Discover the mission behind Lady Sports Fans, meet our team, and read testimonials from our community. Find out why we’re dedicated to supporting women who love sports.

Our Mission:

‘Y’ as in ‘why are we here?’ And I don’t mean in an existential way. We are here, because we love sports. Well, that’s why I’m here, and I’m thinking that because you’re here to, you might also love sports.

We’re here because when we bump into each other in the street, we don’t necessarily say to each other, ‘what did you think of the game last night?’ So our mission is to create a space where we just assume we want to know one another’s thoughts on all the sporting things.

We’re here for the Cheering Jeering & Beering.

From our favourite games, to our favourite tailgate ideas , come talk game day thrills & chills, and yell at the TV together.


  • Community Feedback: Read What Our Members Say
  • Success Stories: Explore Testimonials
Hi there, my name is Lyne, and I'm just a regular middle aged lady who loves sports! I yell at the tv when the game is not going my way, I'm an armchair quarterback, a couch coach, and I love a great game. I am a champion of the underdog, but I also love winners. Once of the things I love the most about sports is seeing people do great things, and the chemistry of a great team.